

Guess this is a good way to start off my log. Drawing of a nutcracker from the Monska town.
6:04pm 8/23/2022


1:13pm 8/26/2022



12:41pm 8/29/22,/p>

Last night while I was sleeping, I had this weird dream where I could feel like some kind of weird feeling in my throat, It didnt exactly hurt but it was weird and annoying. I also kept opening my eyes feeling drool on the entire side of my pillow and I even felt it. I woke up and had like, a weird rash near my armpit. Weird shit. Maybe cus I forgot to have dinner. Anyways take a drawing of a crab.

10:20am 8/31/22


the son, son of the healer and The killer and nephew of the saint.

11:28pm 9/2/22,


9:30am 9/20/22

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